IR Camera Spica 640 HS and 1280 HS
Camera Technology
Our IR camera Spica is available with 640 x 512 and 1280 x 1024 pixels detector format. Both IR cameras operate in the short- and mid-wave infrared range (SWIR/MWIR, 1.5 - 5.5 µm) and have a high full frame rate of 356 Hz and 180 Hz. The detector material InSb shows high quantum efficiency and excellent homogeneity. The large cold aperture (F/1.5 or F/2) of the cameras results in extraordinary high thermal sensitivity. Thus, low-noise IR images can be recorded at a short integration time. Blurring caused by fast changing scenes is minimized, the highest possible sub frame rates (i.e. short exposure times) of the camera become usable.
Intego offers a variety of standard and special lenses for the Spica cameras:
- Standard lenses: 8, 15, 28, 50 and 100 mm
- Microscope lenses: 1x, 2.5x, 5x and 10x
- Filter solutions: single filters, filter sliders, filter changers
The cameras are compatible to the following options:
- Lock-in thermography
- Non-destructive testing
- Radiometry
Technical Data
Further option
Perhaps thermography is also the solution for your quality control. Please contact us.
Your contact for the SPICA IR camera
Dr. Dieter Karg
+49 9131 61082-250