Cell Inspection
Raise the efficiency of your production
The complex processing steps in cell manufacturing must be performed efficiently and are therefore constantly controlled. Our customer specific inspection modules help you detect faulty cells/wafers and production drifts as soon as possible.
Print inspection and final inspection
With resolutions as small as 20 µm each print step can be monitored inline (front contact, back contact, back field). Deviation of position, defective printings as well as chippings, cracks and contaminations can be detected. The colour classification determines the thickness of the ARC coating.
APUS Print and Final Inspection »
Laser structures
Solar cells often contain laser-created structures that increase efficiency. We have extensive experience in measuring these microstructures. As a result, the laser process can be monitored so that only perfectly lasered cells are fed to the next processing step.
The inspection of cells using infrared light imaging techniques makes microcracks reliably visible even on already metallized cells. Our newly developed technology delivers robust identification of microcracks and inclusions.
Inspection of electrical properties
Thermographic procedures can help examine the electrical performance of solar cells, e.g. minority charge carrier lifetime, electrical defects, cracks and contaminations.
Your contact for cell inspection

Andreas Eckl
+49 9131 61082-220